The tramp. questions

Դուրս գրիր անծանոթ բառերը:
Tramp, bench, tapped, annoyed, bother, fed up.

Կարմիրով նշված նախադասությունները գրիր ներկա ժամանակով:

He woke the tramp up and said.
He wakes the tramp up and says. He was very fed up.

He was very fed up.
He is very fed up.

Կապույտով գրված նախադասությունները՝ անցյալով:

I haven’t got a watch.
I am sorry to bother you.

I hadn’t got a watch.
I was sorry to bother you.

Կանաչով գրված նախադասությունները՝ ապառնիով:

One of them tapped him on the shoulder and asked.
He went back to sleep.
He read the sign, woke up the tramp and said.

One of them will tap him on the shoulder and will ask.
He will go back to sleep.
He will read the sign, will wake up the tramp and will say.

Answer the questions

  1. What was doing a tramp late at night?
    He was sleeping.
  2. Where he was sleeping?
    He was in the park on a bench.
  3. Was it day or night?
    It was night.
  4. Who was walking past?
    A man and a woman were walking past.
  5. Was he pleased by waking up?
    No, he is annoyed.
  6. Did he have a watch?
    No, he haven’t watch
  7. What did the tramp do?
    He has went to sleep.
  8. What did he write on the paper?
    I don’t know what time is.
  9. Who wake the tramp up?
    Policeman wake the tramp up.
  10. What did the policeman say?
    It’s 2.30, sir.

Complete the sentences

  1. A tramp was sleeping on a bench.
  2. One of them tapped him on the shoulder
  3. The tramp was very annoyed at being woken up.
  4. Some time later another man was passing.
  5. Half an hour later, a policeman was passing.